Friday, February 17, 2012

Cake Friday

I thought seriously about not making cake today. I mean, I just made a cake on Tuesday for Valentine's Day. A household can have too much cake after all. Add to that the fact that I am going a little bonkers trying to get the big kids ready for the Young Entrepreneur Fair that they will be participating in tomorrow. But then Spike asked me what kind I would be making, and when I hemmed and hawed about not making one at all, he said, "But, it's Cake Friday." "Yeah, Cake Friday," Princess piped in. So.....I gave in. I did make it easy though and just made some rum cakes. I made mini cakes so that the kid version did not have a rum glaze, but the parent version did. They were very well received and the first batch of 12 disappeared in a matter of minutes. I may put the recipe on here if there is any interest, but as for now I am stinkin' tired and just want to snuggle up next to my hubby and watch something on Netflix. Happy weekend, everyone!


  1. What is the young entrepreneur fair? Awesome cakes by the way!

  2. Something like a craft fair for kids. They basically had to pick something to sell, do all the math to figure out pricing and profit, and make what they are selling. I will post about how it turns out later....
